I love the world. I have always loved the world.
Growing up I would pray that someday I would be able to travel the globe and see all the vastness of creation and the people who lived there. Different cultures fascinated me and I had no idea why, but God knew and was just waiting to reveal it to me.
Two summers ago I had the opportunity to go to England with one of my best friends and my love for travel, instead of being fulfilled for the moment, grew even more. I was hooked. I wanted to see and experience more of this big earth. When I first found out about DTS I was ecstatic over the idea of the two month cross-cultural outreach at the end of the school. I couldn't think of anything better than a school that taught about God but also allowed me to travel!
During the three months of lecture in DTS I began to realize a few things about who God had created me to be. I realized why I love the nations so much; because God loves the nations. God began to open my eyes to see how he sees culture and the people of this earth. He doesn't s see some of them as lesser and some of them as his beloved. He doesn't get get caught up in what countries are free and what countries are not. He sees his people and loves them and desires for them to come to him. My heart for the nations had been very selfish. I wanted to travel because I wanted to see the world because I wanted adventure because I...I...I. What I began to see though was that God had given me a heart for his people and if I chose to look at the world through Jesus colored glasses then my impact on the nations could be for his glory. I never thought I would be a missionary, that was for other people, but God has begun to give me a burning passion to see the lost saved, the saved revived and the nations singing praise to their creator. I do not yet know what the future holds for me but I know that wherever Jesus calls me I want to reply yes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NxAOOip1nZ4 don't assume people need to be saved